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同轴电缆|卷筒电缆|伺服电缆Cuba "change" and a new move open optical fiber cable increased attention to the foreign channel

Recently, the Cuban opened the first submarine optical fiber cable, making data single direction into Cuba's speed with a certain ascend. Despite the distance to realize "people the real Internet freedom" goal still has a long way to go, but it also is really Cuba "change" forward on the road of real step. Meanwhile, the Cuban television, and for the first time synchronization play foreign broadcast TV programs, this in Cuba nearly fifty years' time is also the first time. 9QZ【上海贝为电线电缆有限公司】
Global Internet monitoring company Rene sith twenty days in a report said, they detected the Spanish Internet service providers - Spain telecom and Cuba's national telecom company has this month 14 set up a new network connection. By test, Cuba and the United States, Mexico and Brazil four urban network speed have been significantly improved, which proved that Cuba has started to use fiber optic cable. Although speed is slow, but it will be Cuba this network the worst of Latin American countries to realize the Internet change take the first step. 9QZ【上海贝为电线电缆有限公司】
It is understood that the new of the opening of a fiber optic cable worth $70 million, south the venezuela, across the Caribbean sea, north to the east of Cuba. Last may, venezuela's science and technology minister said a fiber optic cable has been done to open, Cuba can always decide how to use it. 9QZ【上海贝为电线电缆有限公司】
Cuba in the western hemisphere can be said to be the last one on fiber optic cable country, is also the network connection rate one of the lowest in the world. Previously, Cuba network service mainly through satellite system connection, wire speed is very slow. About 16% of the Cuban people can get to the Internet, these many is because in the work and the study process using the network, but most of all is the local area network (LAN), will be affected by many restrictions. Only 2.9% of the Cuban people in China don't restricted to browse web pages all over the world. 9QZ【上海贝为电线电缆有限公司】
Analytic personage points out, the cable of the opening of the day when the Cuban relaxing residents outbound travel new gauge implementation date, probably Cuba become "more freedom, more open" a mark. However, the cable for the opening of the Cuban people surf the Internet restricted phenomenon will not bring too much change. 9QZ【上海贝为电线电缆有限公司】
The local time, and, by some Latin American countries government funding, headquartered in Caracas "southern TV" TELESUR program began in the television broadcast for a long time, this also is nearly half a century, cubans can legally for the first time at home watching foreign television company program. This TV program aims to promote the integration of Latin America, from within, and every night and point to the second day at 4 PM, causes program will be broadcast simultaneously in Cuba. Previously, causes program only one hour every day in the broadcast, named as "the best southern TV", through the special program editing, shirt-sleeve news and documentaries. 9QZ【上海贝为电线电缆有限公司】
The Cuban government has been to the media, especially television in strict control, Cuban TV programs also basic is full of political. But in recent years the Cuban television made a lot of effort, TV channels from two increased to five, but also become the uninterrupted broadcast 24 hours. In fact, the Cuban television these changes is mainly in order to deal with Cuban private install satellite antenna and open video bank. At present in the hundreds of thousands of satellite antenna is smuggled in Miami. Many users in private after installation, and neighbors build TV LAN, sharing accept TV signal, but every family on it cost will not more than ten dollars. And Cuba also have a lot of people to open video bank, they through the Miami in the United States or in Cuba conditional unlimited Internet friends and relatives downloaded to a lot of TV and TV series, and then copy to people to make money. 9QZ【上海贝为电线电缆有限公司】

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